A Journal of the Proceedings of the Fleet under the Command of Admiral Gambier from the 21st to 25th August 1807


Friday 21.

Place at noon: In Copenhagen Road

Heads of Orders and letters received and written


Sjælland m. omkringliggende øer og Store Bælt fra “Hasteen Bank to the south east end of Femern” er i “State of Blockade”.

‘Comus’ skal ligge for anker modsat Kronborg for “the protection of British merchant Vessels passing the Sound”.

Ordered four Transports to be anchored in the best water in the Outer-deep, in order to facilitate the navigation of it, the Danes having removed the Buries and Landmarks.

The Transports, when armed, to be manned from the ships by which they are respectively equipped and sent in shore to join The Advanced Squadron.

Ordered a small Danish vessel that has been detained, to be fitted as a fire vessel.


The ‘Agamemnon’, ‘Cruizer’, ‘Kite an Swan’ hired cutter, joined (landsætningen af artillery, proviant mv. ved Charlottenlund).

Commodore Sir Samuel Hood in the ‘Centaur’ with the ‘Brunswick’ and ‘Leyden’ moved and took place on the south edge of the Middle Ground.

Present 13 sail of the Line, 2 armed en flute, 2 frigates, 11 sloops, bombs, and fire ships, 6 gun brigs and 3 schooners and cutters.


Saturday 22.

…Transports could not obtain water…in the Swedish shore…return[ed] to their former anchorage.


Formed it necessary to put some long guns into the gun brigs. The Transports before mentioned are aiming to reinforce The Advanced Squadron that is in shoal water.


Sunday 23.


Ordered the ‘Cruizer’ to reinforce The Advanced Squadron.

Antal dræbte (4) og sårede (13) i The Advanced Squadron.


AM The battery on the left wing of the army, which is calculated to defend its advances from the annoyance of the Gun Boats being completed…the construction of mortar battery under cover of the above are in progress. The enemy observing these movements appeared yesterday to be collecting their Prams and Gun Boats near the harbour mouth, in preparation for a powerful attack on our works. Our Advanced Squadron continuing in their position defending the operations on shore, were, about 10 AM, attacked by three prams (carrying each twenty guns) and a considerable number of Gun Boats (said to be more than thirty) in addition to the fire from the Crown Battery, floating batteries, and block ships, which was continued for more than four hours. The fire was returned with great spirit from The Squadron, and some attempts were made to throw...Congreve’s Rockets, but the distance was too great to produce much effect from them. About 2 PM the gun brigs which were farthest advanced, not being able to make any impression against so vast a force were ordered to retire, and the firing ceased…I am happy to find the Squadron received no material injur, though the heavy fire of the enemy gave me some apprehension for them.

On the part of the enemy it is believed that one Gun Boat has been disabled or sunk & one of the prams was observed to be towed out of action disabled. The new Battery at the Mill opened, and taking a part in the engagement with considerable execution, but I am sorry to hear that several men were killed and wounded in it. (Gambier takker alle i “The Advanced Squadron) enduring so long and so heavy a contest have impressed me.


Monday 24.


Put the ‘Bellette’, ‘Gallant’ and ‘Richmond’ under the orders of Commodore Sir Samuel Hood (who is lying on the south edge of the Middle Ground) to be employed in blockading Copenhagen on the side of Amack, in order to prevent supplies from being thrown in, or any of the enemy’s vessels for escaping.

[Capt. Stewart, ‘Mutine’, og Capt. Stainer, ‘Cyare’, skal krydse ved] Hasteens bank into Zealand from Norway.



[Gambier konfererer med Cathcart og “went on shore to headquarters]…The right wing of the army is advanced near to the town on southwest [og klar til bombardement]. The vessels, which were in action yesterday, are getting their damages repaired. No attack has been made this day by the enemy’s flotilla against our Advanced Squadron.

The number of Danish vessels that have been detained amount 33 sail.

Tuesday 25.

Fiskere ved Vedbæk får lov til at fortsætte “their occupation”. Så længe de er fredelige.


Every assistance continues to be afforded from the fleet for landing provisions.

Yesterday and this day the damage which several of the gun brigs received in action on the 23rd, have been repaired, and the vessels are again ready for service.

Underskrevet Gambier


